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Author: Michael Mayher

During this difficult economic period from which there is no end in sight, some people seek to gain an advantage over others competing for the same opportunities. In some cases they are turning to consultants and personalized services; some are seeking help from people calling themselves career coaches. In and of itself there is nothing wrong with this approach, if indeed someone you are putting your trust in can effectively assist. However, I notice many have nothing to truly offer their clients and are often psychologists (not to be confused with psychiatrists who are physician specialists). If you seek advice from a career counselor then, like any other specialist, you’d better qualify and check out their credentials and claims. It is possible that these career coaches haven’t an ounce of real world business experience and they are only creating another business

When I ask this question most people think in terms of resume preparation. Granted, the resume is an important component during your job search and interview process, but making it the primary focus of your preparation efforts is to considerably shortchange yourself. That piece of paper doesn’t speak, nor can it react and it doesn’t convey attitude, intent or interest – it’s a piece of paper. The current job market is more competitive than ever and it isn’t going to improve much any time soon, so if you want to maximize your chances of success, you must have more tricks up your sleeve and be better prepared than others who are applying for the same job(s). You need to make an effort to stand out and effectively demonstrate why you’re the best choice. You see, sometimes when the best candidate

Depending on the situation and considerations about your job skills, market sector and professional level, you might have the opportunity to negotiate and influence your salary and compensation during an interview process. However, if you will be earning union scale, working for an institution, public service or government–related function, there may be little or no flexibility and you'll simply be told what you will earn, end of subject. Likewise, it may be similar if you interview for a position that requires only a single interview before a decision, such as retail or entry–level position. However, whenever it is possible, avoid the money question during the first interview. Here’s why: if you are asked during the first interview before they elaborate on the job role specifics, they may be using money as a screening tool. Never mind that you might be

I always stress that, during the interview process, it is a two–way dialogue and as a matter of self–respect and self–interest you have an obligation to ask questions and it is, and should be, an interactive process. Therefore, I’d like to offer some simple advice about an aspect often overlooked. Especially if the process seems to be going too smoothly, you might flatter yourself into thinking they are welcoming you with open arms because you are just that much better than the other candidates for the same job. It may be true, but don’t let the nice words and praise sway you from digging deeper to learn more information, because there could be another reason you are sailing through so effortlessly. Learn more about the reasons the position is open. What are the circumstances for the open position? Ask them, “What

Occasionally I’ve read advice and articles from supposed experts suggesting, in order to find more job opportunities, to engage in or increase your social networking activities. This is some of the dumbest and least effective advice I’ve heard. Somebody actually wrote that thinking they are offering up a solution. No doubt, with the job market as flat and competitive as it is, folks are craving any bit of help they can find. But really, is there anyone who is not living in a cave who isn’t already doing some form of social networking? So yet another website, portal or domain might find a hidden golden nugget of a job listing? How is a social networking site such as LinkedIn going to get you a job? Using this logic, I suppose if I send a friend request to an unknown senior

If you’re looking for a job, interested in making a job change or just plain curious about better navigating the bureaucracy involved with the interview process, then you’re in the right place for straight talk and commentary. Here you’ll find advice you can use. Everywhere I look I see watered down, generic vanilla pabulum, meant for the herd mentality. Whether it is on media sites or the blogosphere, there is no shortage of empty commentary, most of which rings hollow and doesn’t do much to provide you with truly impactful advice. Indeed there are some who have a helpful perspective grounded in experience. But far too many are quite removed and out of touch with real people struggling to find their way in the current difficult jobs market. Many people are frustrated and they imagine that there must be more they