Ghosting is Short-Sighted and Dumb
Younger people and millennials are familiar with the term but if you don’t know what Ghosting is, it is when someone involved in a relationship of any kind, just vanishes; they just disappear, stop communicating without reason or notification. It’s the situation of being left hanging and asking, “what happened, where did they go we were getting along so well. Why couldn’t they just call …?”
Well, I am referring to the recent phenomenon of potential employees during the interview process who Ghost themselves, they just vanish. It is not so much a result of ignorance but more a lack of foresight and those at the beginning of their careers are more likely to ghost from a hiring process than more seasoned and experienced professionals.
The economic situation in many countries is quite good at the moment and with labor shortages, job seekers are in a good position and the tables have turned from just a few years ago. However, I want to warn people from ghosting out of a process, not merely because it is unprofessional behavior, but primarily because they are handicapping themselves for the future.
Economic cycles fluctuate, markets change but human nature remains the same. Look, I have been a headhunter since 1992. I have witnessed recessions in 1992, 2001 and in 2009 so you should heed my warnings, because there will be another recession sometime during your career. It is very possible you will encounter some of the same people during future job changes, who you ‘dissed whether you meant to or not. And if they remember you, how will that influence your chances?
The solution is simple, if you don’t want to continue participating in a hiring process, choose to withdraw or you choose to decline an offer – be an adult, take the time and have the consideration to notify the other side of your intentions, or the lack thereof. I have anecdotes I can discuss at length when I spoke about a person, that a company previously encountered and as a result of a past experience, will not be considered again. As simply as I can put it, you need only consider the Golden Rule.