Taking the Initiative, (Pt I)
You should have, or are developing, your own personal presentation so that anytime you might have the occasion, by chance or through intention to speak to a hiring manager, you can speak with purpose and confidence. The result we’ve sought is so that you’ll be more impactful and, as an applicant, more formidable than your contemporaries, who are also trying to get noticed but who only bother to limit their focus to online resume submissions and solicitations. Can you begin to recognize how you are already starting to separate yourself from most others in both mindset and action? Now, let’s go back to what we were discussing a couple weeks ago, when we were talking about gate keepers and getting the name of a hiring manager.
By the way, I’ve been utilizing this same methodology for more than 20 years. If you are wondering how a hiring manager whom you are able to contact might react to your unsolicited call, I can tell you according to my own experience, it primarily depends on what you have to say that will reap their interest, anger or indifference. Regarding any negative vibes you may encounter, there are basically only two; one being you’ve caught them at a bad time (is there ever a good time?), or they act bothered and you are an intrusion. Second, recognize there are some people out there who are just plain tone deaf and reactionary to anything that doesn’t fit into their little box of daily routine and expectations but, fortunately, these people are few. In such cases you can sour grape it and tell yourself that they would likely be a jerk to work with. This assumption is correct a majority of the time and, as such, let them keep their bad mojo, don’t you shoulder it; just say thank you, smile and move on.
Generally speaking, if you have a decent presentation and demeanor, most people are generally accepting and will let you say what you called to say. Often they recognize that it takes a little gumption to make the effort you’ve made in reaching them. I have also found that, ironically, the more senior the individual the easier they are to talk to – again, if you have something worthwhile to tell them, once again, it comes down to the importance of the personal presentation. If I must try to single out those who tend to be more negative than others, it would be lower and middle managers. There could be a few reasons for this, but I personally think the more senior and, as a result more mature, managers can appreciate the effort made to reach them, recognizing most people can’t or won’t take such initiative. Likewise, it exemplifies traits companies often like to see. Lower and middle managers might not get it and, moreover, if there is indication the caller is cleverer than the hiring manager with whom they are speaking, those traits might not be as appreciated. Let’s face it, some people are more concerned with protecting their turf than what may be best for their company and you might be viewed as a threat; these things happen. Never mind, these negative reactions are not as common as you may fear; these are worse-case scenarios and no one is coming after you for making a call. In fact, I suggest you should consider that, when you call into a company, it is not a distraction or a bother and, instead, you’re calling with good news; you’re contacting an organization to explain to them how you can benefit their organization. Meanwhile, everyone else is sending their resumes down a black hole to await the blessing of recognition and a call. So, if you have confidence in what you have to offer, reject any feelings that you are imposing on, or bothering someone. Don’t wear the albatross of self doubt around your neck before you’ve even spoken with anyone. To a good listener, self doubt and a lack of belief in the product you represent (that product being you) is palpable and can be sensed; as I often say, perception is reality in such endeavors.
Next time, a few more comments, and then you’re going to pick up the phone and start talking to people.
(Part II will be posted on Monday)
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