Do You Know … What You Don’t Know?
Michael has a track record of conducting exceptional, engaging and highly informative lectures and presentations – he is a keeper of lost knowledge.
Consider this:
Coinciding with the rise of the internet and subsequent social media, too many people have either lost their ability or have never learned how to find a job – relying predominantly upon on line tools. But did you know that many jobs are not posted on line, jobs out there that you are not even aware of?
Worse yet, most people today lack basic negotiating skills and enter the interview process with a disadvantage. Most interview only when they must and when they do, they are reactive but hardly interactive.
Crossing your fingers and hoping it goes well is not a strategy to seek a job you want.
Review the topics Michael presents to audiences and see how well prepared you are.
resume structure/length/content
resume mistakes/poor vs. good resume examples
Cover Letters
cover letter Do’s and Don’ts
the widely versatile benefits and uses of the Feature/Accomplishment/Benefit presentation
Assembling a “Win”-Book
a tool to set yourself apart from others seeking the same job
useful for job fairs & assessment centers or simply to make extra impact
Searching For and Pursuing a Job
other methods, beyond over-reliance online job sites and social media (i.e. LinkedIn)
alert participants to the detrimental effects of social media (Face Book, Twitter, etc.)
go beyond point-and-click
Navigating and Overcoming Obstacles
how to handle Gate Keepers (Reception, Admin, HR)
how to establish contact with hiring managers and decision makers
Pre-Interview Preparation
incorporating a basic pre-interview ritual
familiarize yourself with various interview types and how to react and engage in each
Interview Tips
increase communication & negotiating tips effectiveness
transcending from what for many feels like an interrogation into a business conversation
Soft Skills / Interpersonal Communication Skills
discuss the importance of increasingly endangered soft skills
tips for not talking too much
utilizing silence as a tool
Topic of “Money”
when it is proper and advantageous to speak about money and when it is NOT
Utilizing Sales & Closing Techniques
effectively applying sales & closing techniques for a better and more decisive result
Trial Closing & Pre-Closing
how to effectively monitor and measure your progress during the interview
Interview Follow-Up & Thank You Letters
when a Thank You letter is more than thank you and another closing tool
Danger Signs & Red Flags
identify trouble-signs during the interview process
discuss the various reference types
maximizing reference effectiveness
Handling Job Offers
effectively handling both verbal & official job offers
Job Offer Acceptance
how to accept a job offer while still protecting your interests
leave yourself an escape hatch
After Action Activities
properly closing other interview efforts – don’t burn bridges
how to prevent a simple thing that can turn into a nightmare
how to protect yourself from surprise pitfalls and avoid potential difficulties
Topics are presented with a 160 slide PowerPoint presentation
Students are provided:
F.A.B. personal presentation worksheets and instructions
Examples of both bad and good resumes
Examples of interview questions
For large groups it is a presentation and for smaller groups (of up to 30) it is a more interactive event
If you would like more information about Michael’s presentations contact him at: